
The Chlorine -- Heard Disease Connection --- The Government isn't Describing

Heart Disease and Chlorine

The primary cause of heart disease can now be understood, but authorities are not describing it.

It is known that the way arterial plaques form is by leukocytes (white blood The primary cause of heart disease can now be understood, but authorities are not describing it.cells) attaching to the arteries and then filling up with lipids and calcium. Researchers don't say why leukocytes attach to arteries. There is logic and evidence that indicates chlorinated water is the cause.

Chlorine kills bacteria by reacting with all types of biological molecules. Halides tend to react by substitution. That means they attach to the molecules they react with, and they migrate at low levels.

Laws require residual effects with chlorine, meaning it still kills bacteria when it comes out the tap. When it is drank, it is going to react with molecules in the body. Among the first to be contacted are walls of the arteries.

Chlorine attached to artery walls would create the appearance of a foreign substance. Halides (like chlorine) are extremely antigenic. So they would cause the leukocytes to attack the arteries. Then the leukocytes would do what they normally do, which is absorb free lipids and calcium from the blood.

Calcium and lipids in the blood are supposed to be combined with carrier molecules; and if not, they are removed from the blood by white blood cells. Probably, a low percent of all calcium and lipids which enter the blood are not properly attached to carriers.

So the leukocytes which are attached to arteries fill up with those calcium and lipid molecules which are not properly attached to carriers. The result is plaque formation.

Evidence for this mechanism is in the fact that Europeans have less of a problem with heart disease than Americans. They Ozonate their water instead of chlorinate it. Ozone does not create those problems.

Heart Disease:


Over twenty years ago Dr Joseph M Price demonstrated the undeniable connection between the practice of chlorinating water supplies and arteriosclerosis, in which a plaque composed mainly of cholesterol builds up inside arteries, resulting eventually in heart attacks and strokes.

Cholesterol is a lipid (fatty) substance present in all animal cells and essential to life; it's a precursor for many common bio chemical compounds. But when excess chlorine has been absorbed from drinking chlorinated water, it reacts 'with some of the cholesterol in the blood, forming the yellowish fatty deposits that accumulate along artery walls, narrowing and hardening them, and often causing ruptures.

The fact that the buildup is mostly cholesterol has led to the common assumption that the amount of cholesterol consumed is what determines susceptibility to heart disease. But while reducing cholesterol intake can tower risk somewhat, the theory that cholesterol is the sole cause of heart attacks has serious flaws.

It ignores the fact that heart attacks were virtually unknown until this century, when chlorination of water began, and they remain quite rare in places such as China as long as the practice is not adopted. It also does not explain how people such as Eskimos with massive cholesterol intakes remain free of heart disease. .

Read more http://www.cardioprim.com/heartdiseaseandchlorine.htm

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